for Qualified Healthcare Internal Auditor (QHIA)

Hari Pertama

Addressing Current Challenges in GRC within the Healthcare Sector

Prof. Dr. dr. Agus Purwadianto Sp.F(K), S.H., DFM, M.Si., QHIA

Risk Management in Healthcare Services: Best Practices and Strategies

dr. Bambang Wibowo, Sp.O.G, Subsp. K.Fm,MARS, QHIA

Integrating GRC in Healthcare Services: An Integrated Approach to Quality Improvement

Sumiyati, Ak., CA., MFM, QIA, QHIA

Hari Kedua

Compliance and Regulations in Healthcare Internal Auditing

drg. Murti Utami, MPH, QGIA, CGCAE, QHIA

Enhancing Governance in Healthcare Services: The Role and Responsibilities of Internal Auditors

Prof. Mardiasmo, MBA., PhD., CFrA., QIA., Ak., CA, FCMA., CGMA, Asean CPA., CPA (Aust)., CSFA., QGIA., QHIA